The students of Grosse Pointe South High School and the Van Meter kids in Iowa have been working on a project. They are recreating the film of Romeo & Juliet, but there is a problem. A parent has complained, they said that this project was not a learning experience and is a waste of the student’s time. Some students say that this project will help them later on because of the tech tools that we learned in the making of this project. Even more students will say that this is a hand’s on experience. Others say that this is a memorable experience. Finally students say that this teaches them responsibility for later on in life. The Romeo & Juliet project is a great way to learn helpful skills outside of the English class room.
During the duration of the project the students had access to a whole bunch of tools that would help them. Including BlogSpot, BlogSpot allowed the students to blog about what they were doing in the play with the Van Meter students. Another resource that the students who were print advertisement used the site Glogster, this allowed them to make brilliant posters to place on the blog. Every student had to put their name on the wiki spaces account that would be linked to the blog so that we could post and edit information that could be shared with every student that was using the project. The students who were sound track had to use the site Jamendo, for the sound track because we don’t have the money for actual songs that kids know. All of the tech tools would not have been learned if they sat and read the story and took tests. Additionally the students learned these tools that will help them later in life. BlogSpot helped the students with their writing skills. Glogster showed the students how to make posters for other projects in their lives. Those are just some of the tools the students learned.
In the same way this project was a hand’s on experience. The students believe that this was a hand’s on experience because they are actually performing the play. This will allow the students to grasp the material rather than reading out of a book and taking tests. If the students didn’t do this project then they wouldn’t have learned as much. Studies say that more kids learn better if they are working hands on. If the parent that complaint took away this project then over half of the students wouldn’t grasp the concept.
Another reason that this project was a good idea is because it is memorable instead of reading a book they are actually doing it. It will last in their heads longer. If they read the book only they would only remember a few key moments. Sense they did this project 14 years later when their at their high school reunion they can remember it. It also helps that it’s on film so that there will always be a copy ready to watch. This project was a great memorable experience because of all of the things that we did because what other project do students shoot a movie in school. That is why this project was a memorable experience.
Finally this project thought the students to be responsible a lesson that students will need later in life. Some examples are, the cameraman had to take care of the camera at his house. If it got damaged then they wouldn’t be able to film. If the camera guy didn’t show up they wouldn’t be able to film. Also even in the littlest jobs responsibility was needed. If the people in print advertising if they didn’t post their posters the students wouldn’t know when the film would premiere. Another job that needed huge responsibility was actors if they didn’t show up then again they wouldn’t be able to film. All of those examples and more are reasons that the students learned to be responsible.
In the end this project was a good idea, because of all of the useful tools that the students learned in the making of the film. Like the tech tools Glogster, and Blogspot. Also the hands on experience that the students got to do, and then there is also the memorable experience that the students would not have achieved if they were reading the story. The final thing they learned was the responsibility that they also would not have learned if they read the book only. That is why this project was a good idea.
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